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2016 GA Cream of the Crop Awards Presented at 2017 Georgia Dairy Conference

Farrah Newberry

The University of Georgia and Southeast DHIA presented their 2016 Cream of the Crop Awards during the evening banquet of the 2017 Georgia Dairy Conference last month. Fourteen Georgia dairy farms were recognized for their production achievements and 22 dairies were recognized for their outstanding milk quality.

Pictured from left to right: Andy Rodgers, Hillcrest Farms; Dave Clark, Godfrey Dairy; Daniel Williams, WDairy; Jimmy Franks, Franks Farm and Eldon Eberly, Eberly Farmily Farms

The Rodgers' Family of Hillcrest Farms in Dearing, received the "Top High Holstein Herd" award for 2016. Hillcrest Farms milks 436 cows, with a rolling milk production average of 31,283 lbs. and 1096 lbs. of butterfat. Godfrey Dairy in Madison received 2nd place and Eberly Family Farm received 3rd place for the Holstein category.

The Williams Family from WDairy in Madison, received the "Top High Crossbred Herd" award for 2016. They milk 1978 cows three times a day and produce an average of 27,304 lbs. and 1060 lbs. of butterfat.

The Franks Family of Franks Farm in Waynesboro, received the "Top High Others Breed" award for their Brown Swiss dairy. The Franks milk 169 cows, with a rolling milk production

average of 19656 lbs. and 781 lbs. of butterfat.

To be eligible for the GA Cream of the Crop Awards, herds must have a minimum herd size of 30 cows and conduct a minimum of 9 tests per year.

Twenty-two Georgia dairy farms were also recognized for exceeding milk quality standards in 2016.

Pictured is Bobby Walker, WDairy and Iris Barham, Berry College.

Congratulations to Addis Dairy located in Rocky Face for receiving the "Top High Herd Quality" Award for 2016. The Addis Family's SCC average for 2016 was 140,000 cells/ml.

Berry College in Rome received the 2nd place quality award with a SCC average of 160,000 cells/ml, and WDairy received 3rd place with an SCC average of 160,000 cells/ml for 2016.


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