
2025 Georgia Dairy Conference Slides/Proceedings
Phil Plourd: Postcards on the Journey to Dairy Industry Success
Susan Stroud: Change is the Only Constant
Matt Bennett: The Importance of a Marketing Plan in Good Times and Bad
Calvin Covington: Southeast Dairy Market Outlook
Stephen LeBlanc: Supporting and Measuring Healthy Life for Dairy Cows
Frank Mitloehner: Toolkit for Sustainability in Dairy Production
Michael Ballou: Nutraceuticals as an Alternative for the Use of Antimicrobials
Rick Grant: Herd Management Priorities to Enhance Cow Comfort
Erin Horst: The Impact of Inflammation on Transition Cow Health & Performance
Kee Jim: The Business of Beef-on-Dairy
Daniel Olson: Rethinking Rations - Innovative Forage Systems
Megan Dresbach: Manure - Asset, Not Liability
Kurt Grimm: Advanced Manure Separation and Drip Irrigation
Click Here to Watch Recordings from 2025 GDC
2024 Georgia Dairy Conference Slides/Proceedings
Dr. Daryl Nydam: Selective Dry Cow Therapy: Possibilities for North America?
Calvin Covington: Dairy Market Outlook Southeast States
Michael Overton, DVM: Optimizing the Quality and Quantity of Dairy Replacement Heifers
Don Schindler: Futureproofing Your Farm Communications
Gerdi Berdak, CEO: The Dairy Alliance National Dairy Checkoff
Dr. Trevor Devries: Consistent Feed, Consistent Eating, Consistent Results
Jesse Goff, DVM: Managing Calcium Challenges at the Onset of Lactation
Dr. Geof Smith: Investing in Your Future - Calf Health
Dr. Kevin Dhuyvetter: Dairy Economics - Factors Affecting Profitability
Ron O'Brien: Surviving in A World Market
Micheal Dykes, DVM: Winning the Future for Dairy
Tom Kilcer - Enhanced Nutrition Sorghum - A Major Forage Quality Advance
Dr. Darren Frye: Navigating the Commodity Terrain
Dr. Mary Beth Hall: Feeding and Managing the High Performing Rumen
Mark Stoermann: Monetizing Manure Projects

2023 Georgia Dairy Conference Slides/Proceedings
Carl Babler: Key Principles and Concepts Required to Navigate Your Dairy and Feed Markets
Calvin Covington: Dairy Market Outlook Southeast States
David A. Reid, DVM: Management Tools to Improve Milk Quality & Profitability
Pamela Ruegg, DVM: Evolving Concepts in Mastitis Treatments
Michael Overton, DVM: Pitfalls and Opportunities of Using Farm Data for Dairy Decision Making
Paul Fricke, DVM: Building a Foundational Repo Program
Geri Berdak: Creating New Paths Forward for the Dairy Industry
Dr. MaryAnne Drake: Dairy Opportunities, Challenges and Innovation
Dr. Kristan Foster Reed: Environmental Footprinting to Support Sustainable Dairy Production
2022 Georgia Dairy Conference Slides/Proceedings
Dr. Andy Harrison: Quality Milk Production, Why Some Have It and Others Don't
Dr. Geoffrey Dahl: Maximizing Cooling Resources in Targeted Areas
Dr. Larry Chase: Corn Silage Hybrid Traits: Show Me the Money
Dr. John Winchell, Utilizing Rumen Function Models to Enhance Animal Health and Productivity
2021 Georgia Dairy Conference Slides/Proceedings
Dr. Marin Bozic: Impact of Risk Management Programs on 2020 Producer Cashflow
Mai Ann Healy: New Waste and Manure Technologies (Biofiltro)
Dr. Roger Thomson: Inflations and New Technology to Improve Milk Quality
Dr. Justin Graham: On-Farm Milk Testing and Managing Results
Dr. Roger Thomson: Teat Dips and Other New Products
Dr. Justin Gleghorn: The Demise of the Holstein Steer Market
Chuck Sattler: Advances in Holstein Genetics that Address Health, Milk Components and Culling
Amanda Lucey and Lori Smith: Milk on My Mind Marketing Update and Partnership with Kroger
Christine Brodeur: Understanding Risk Management Programs
2020 Georgia Dairy Conference Slides/Proceedings
Dr. Deanne Meyer: Managing Dairy Manure in the Central Valley of California
Dr. Andrew Johnson: Milk Quality Tips - Looking at the Whole Picture
Dr. John Ferry: Control the Uncontrollable: Making a Profit in Unprofitable TImes
Dr. Gordie Jones: New Concept in Dairy Barn Design - Hybrid Ventilation
Hannah Thompson-Weeman: Securing the Future of Dairy: Anticipating & Mitigating Activist Threats
Philip Prendergast: Opportunities for the Dairy Case: a Retailer's Perspective