TERMS AND CONDITIONS for Tradeshow Sponsors & Exhibitors
1. Management and Exhibitor. The term “Management” as used herein shall define the personnel, its
agents and event partners, including but not limited to Georgia Milk Producers, Inc. (GMP) acting on behalf of,
or in concert with Management to produce this event. The term “Exhibitor” shall define the company and its
personnel and agents selecting to participate in the exposition. Once Exhibitor has executed this agreement by
means of a signature, all terms shall become binding.
2. Table and Exhibit Space. The space contracted for is to be used solely by the exhibiting company whose
name appears on this Exhibitor Contract and it is agreed that the exhibitor will not sublet or assign any portion
of the same. Space is assigned after a completed Exhibitor Contract when payment is received by GMP and is
subject to availability of space preferences, special needs and compatibility of exhibitors. If during the event,
the exhibitor is in violation of these rules and regulations, GMP has, at any time, the right to regain the
immediate possession of any space. Further, GMP reserves the right to interpret these rules & regulations and
determine eligibility of any company or product for inclusion in this exhibition.
3. Payment. Full payment must accompany the contract for exhibit space. Exhibit displays cannot be set up
unless all fees are paid in full. Any space not claimed or occupied may be reassigned by GMP without refund of
rental fee paid.
4. Cancellation. All cancellations must be in writing. GMP reserves the right to consider an Exhibitor’s
downsizing of booth space as a cancellation of original space and purchase of new booth space. Accordingly, the
Exhibitor may berequired to move to a new location after requesting downsized space.
Date Written Notice Is Received by GMP Show Cancellation Fee
On or before November 15, 2024…………………………… 20% of exhibit fee
After December 6, 2024……………………………………....... 50% of exhibit fee
After January 1, 2025………………………………………........ 100% of exhibit fee
5. Booth Design and Floor Layout. GMP reserves the right to assign, designate or change booth locations. The aisles belong to GMP unless otherwise noted. Neither exhibits nor advertising materials will be permitted
to protrude into the aisles.
6. Banners and Custom Exhibits. The hotel must hang all banners of any size. Should an Exhibitor wish to
utilize banners, please notify our office at least 45 days in advance and ensure delivery of banners to Hotel
Convention Services Department at least 72 hours prior to the event. Group will not be allowed to affix their
own banners in anyway. A fee of $50.00 per banner (for banners up to 4’ x 6’) will apply for installation and
removal. All custom construction and booth designs must be approved by GMP in advance. No exhibit shall be
allowed to obstruct clear vision to other booths in the same line or adjacent lines. All designs must be received
and approved in writing by GMP by December 1, 2024.
7. Deliveries. All incoming packages should be specifically labeled and addressed to the Exhibitor or guest
receiving package and marked with the name and date of your meeting. Because there is limited storage space,
boxes can be accepted no more than three (3) working days prior to your meeting. Storage fees will apply if
package arrive prior to the 72-hour grace period or are left more than 72 hours following the conclusion of your
function. Any items remaining after one week will be discarded. Delivery and/or shipping charges will also
apply for all group related packages. Exhibitors will be charged directly for any applicable storage, delivery or
shipping fees and are responsible for providing a method of payment.
8. Installation and Dismantle. Exhibits may be installed beginning Monday, January 20, 2024, at 8:00
a.m. and must be completed by January 22, 2024 at 12 p.m. Exhibit dismantling will begin following the
closing of the exhibit break on Wednesday morning, January 22, 2024. No dismantling will be permitted before
closing time, and no exhibitor shall have the right to pack or remove articles on display prior to show closing on
Wednesday, January 22, 2024 without prior approval from GMP.
9. Photo Release. We occasionally use photographs or videos of our exhibitors in promotional materials. By
virtue of your attendance, you automatically agree to usage of your likeness in such materials.
10. Photographing and Taping. No photography and/or videotaping will be permitted without prior
authorization by GMP.
11. Insurance. Exhibitor assumes entire responsibility, and hereby agrees to protect indemnify, defend and
save GMP, the Savannah Riverfront Marriott, other show vendors and its employees and agents harmless
against all claims, losses and damages to persons or property, government charges or fines, and attorney fees
arising out of or caused by exhibitor’s installation, removal, maintenance, occupancy or use of the exhibition
premises or a part thereof, excluding any such liability caused by the sole negligence or intentional acts or
omissions of the hotel, its employees or agents. GMP and the hotel does not maintain insurance covering an
exhibitor’s property. It is the sole responsibility of the exhibitor to obtain the appropriate amount and type of
insurance to cover their property, agents or employees from theft, damage by fire, accident or any other cause.
GMP will not be responsible for any injury to, any material from any cause whatsoever, whether in transit, or
during the Trade Show, regardless of whether GMP furnishes attendants, guards or night watchpersons.
12. Security and Uncontrollable. Reasonable precaution against damages or loss by fire, water, theft and
other emergencies will be taken, including 24-hour security, but GMP does not guarantee, nor insure the
exhibitor against loss by reason thereof. In case the premises to be used by the exhibit shall be destroyed by fire
or elements, or by any other cause, or in case any other circumstances shall make it impossible for GMP to
permit the said premises to be occupied by said exhibitor for use, herein specified, then and thereupon this
agreement shall terminate and the said exhibitor shall and hereby does waive any claim for damages or
compensation. It is agreed that GMP reserves the right to retain such part of the payments made by exhibitors
for booth space as would be necessary to cover all expenses incurred by GMP incidental to the opening of the
Trade Show, up to the time of cancellation.
13. Exhibitor’s Responsibility. Exhibitor booths must always be staffed during regular Exhibit breaks.
Exhibitors shall abide by and observe all laws, rules and regulations of the federal, state and city governments,
hotel as well as the facilities. This includes regulations regarding labor jurisdictions. All decorations and
electrical wiring and fixtures must comply with local fire laws; state and local fire regulations must be followed.
Exhibitors planning to serve food and/or beverages from their booths must contact GMP. All food and
beverages must be purchased and cleared through the Savannah Riverfront Marriott.
14. Rules and Regulations Changes. GMP reserves the right to change or modify these rules and
regulations as deemed appropriate to improve the Trade Show. All policies and procedures stated herein and as
detailed within the Exhibitor Packet will be effect until further notice